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YOUR Fishing Licence fees - AT WORK

In late 2015 a suggestion was made by a couple of locals, including a CBCA Committee member, for a roof over the fish cleaning table located near the boat ramp at Callala Bay. The locals felt that, particularly in summer, the table (without a roof) posed a food safety problem as well as little weather protection for both the fishers, and their catch, plus our local pelicans are always happy to recycle the fish for themselves.


After research and discussions with our then Shoalhaven City Councillors, and the support of staff from Shoalhaven City Council, it was decided to apply for a Small Grant from the NSW Department of Primary  Industries - Your Licence Fees at Work - to progress this goal.


In December 2016 the Callala Bay Community Association was informed it had been successful in its grant application.


Most of the volunteer labour came from members and supporters of the Callala Bay Community Association who could be classified as 'rare' fishers. Thank you to all of them.


Project has now been finished and a full acquittal of funds expended and total value of the project, including volunteer labour hours, is being provided to the NSW Department of Primary Industries - Your Licence Fees at Work.

Do you have any other projects which, as a fisher, you would like to see in Callala Bay?


Use the Contact Form below and email us direct and we will see what we can do.

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