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Other local groups & associations that make up our

Callala Bay, Callala Beach & Myola local areas

Callala Beach Progress Association


The Callala Beach Progress Association meets on the second Monday of every month (except January) at 7:30pm in the Callala Beach Community Hall, Quay Rd. Members and non-members alike are welcome to attend and participate in our meetings.
The Callala Bushcare Group is supported by the Callala Beach Progress Association.
Membership fees for the Association are just $5 a year per household ($4 for pensioners). This includes free delivery of the Newsletter to any address in Callala or Myola. For postal delivery of the Newsletter elsewhere in Australia the fee rises to a total of $12 a year.

For further information contact 
- Callala Beach Progress Association Inc
PO Box 2, Callala Beach NSW 2540

(02) 4446-5533                  

Creating Callala Strategy


 It is for all of Callala Bay, Callala Beach and Myola to share information about our combined future and have a say in shaping the way forward. It is where you can have your say about what you want, and don't want, in and around where we live.


The idea behind creating a community plan is to allow everyone in the community to have their say about what they want to see for the local area. These ideas are then developed into priorities and used as a living document for the community to all worktogether to turn into a reality. This can include anything from being able to confidently lobby governments and groups on behalf of the community to volunteering some time for working bees.

Callala communities showed their true community spirit in this process with facilitators from the State Government being astonished at the large number of people turning up and getting involved in such a positive way.

The Creating Callala committee that was established out of the workshops is excited that the community plan is now finalised and available online here. Hard copies are also able to be accessed, please email for further details on accessing a hard copy.

© 2011-2025  Callala Bay Community Association Inc. ABN 68 031 980 561     Proudly created with

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