​Callala Bay
​​​Community Association
Chisholm Street Update - June 2016
Just waiting on final line marking and signs for designated
parking/no parking/stopping. When the line marking and signage has been completed we will update this page with a final photograph. All five blocks have been sold.
Why did we get involved in this project?
“We “The Residents of Callala” are extremely passionate about our area, and while we sometimes disagree on the way forward, one thing that unites us is the safety of our citizens and most importantly the safety and care of our children and aged.
What you may not know about is the dedication of the Callala Bay Community Association (both past and present committees/ members) to “fix” the problem commonly known as:
Please read our proposal to Council inside this issue
and make a decision to assist us in our commitment
to bring a satisfactory result.”
From CBCA Newsletter – May 2015
Link to CBCA proposal to Shoalhaven City Council