​Callala Bay
​​​Community Association

2025 Breakfast by the Bay

Drone 'shot' - Evening - Callala Bay Boat Ramp

2025 Breakfast by the Bay
Bay, Beach and Community
NSW Australia
Callala Bay Community Association
Callala Bay Community Association
Serving our local community
Did you know?
Our wonderful, amazing volunteers -
coordinate advertisers/contributors, edit, print and distribute the monthly Callala Bay News;
purchased, installed and restock the 7 'doggie poo bags' sites;
fundraising contributes to children's art awards, local community Christmas Lunch, donations to Callala Bay Rural Fire Service;
upgrade to fish cleaning table and improved drainage at Callala Bay boat ramp;
installation of a shade cover (at the request of local youth) over the grassed area near the skate park in Emmett Street;
coordinate the 'Breakfast by the Bay' on 26 January each year; Port & Talks during winter months;
facilitated, installed and maintains the indigenous contemporary poles along the shared pathway;
advocate for better infrastructure facilities for both locals and visitors
We are a not-for-profit, volunteer, community group and our objective is to promote the welfare, physical & intellectual advancement of the unique, pristine coastal township of Callala Bay, New South Wales, Australia.
We have been operating since 1963.
We consider all ratepayers and/or residents as members. Some choose to pay an annual fee to support activities which gives them voting rights and to hold elected positions on the committee. Our members aim to protect the interests of the residents and to encourage a keen spirit of citizenship and mutual support and sharing of facilities that benefit our residents, community groups and our visitors who use local facilities.
We are a small coastal town with a high focus on community living and environmental preservation.
Suggestions for facilities, projects or just an 'idea' that we can work through are always welcome. Please send it through our email.

Callala Bay

Callala Bay Community Association

Artist - Uncle Noel Wellington Photographer - Lyn Byrne

Callala Bay

What we do?
Here for the township of Callala Bay
The Callala Bay Community Association Incorporated:
Community Consultative Body to Shoalhaven City Council, for Callala Bay;
negotiates for improved services and infrastructure for Callala Bay and environs;
intermediary body to circulate information to the community and residents to facilitate awareness;
applicant for grants for community facilities
promotes and preserves the best elements of our local environment, ecology and life-style that is Callala Bay.
Wednesday, 9 April, 2025
(refreshments are served before &
after the meeting)
Shoalhaven City Councillors, State and Federal elected representatives are extended an invitation to attend - as observers.
The CBCA meets monthly
at the
Callala Community Centre
in Emmett St Callala Bay
(across from the shopping centre)
Who are we?

Callala Bay Community Association

Callala Bay Community Association

Callala Bay Community Association

Callala Bay Community Association